Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm not sure what to call this one

Today was supposed to be the day my wonderful class 3 patient came in, but she cancelled about an hour before clinic started.  No class 3 patient = no good.  So instead of screaming and running out of the building I decided to be more productive and figure out who else I could get to come in to make my day a productive one instead of a wasteful one.  My wonderful dad ended up coming in again and letting me do a sealant on him.  He was also generous enough to let me do 11 PA's on him since he has never had any PA's taken on him before (at least he never remembered ever having any done).  I have not been using the shick, so today I used it. 

STINKING GOOD NEWS!  I am hopefully going to take a pano for midtown if the patient shows up!  Yay!  I now have to go wait for her, so wish me luck!


  1. You got that pano girl! So it turned out to be a good day. Got PA's, a sealant, and a Pano! Go Girl!!

  2. I was very proud of your calm nature in light of your patients crappy decision to cancel on you. Good job on staying busy today.
