Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Last VA Day

Yesterday was my group's last VA day.  We were all excited that it was our last time that we would have to wake up that early to get down there, but let's face it... deep down inside we will miss it.  Even though we have had to get up early it was always fun to be together (and complain about waking up early every single drive down.  Ha ha.).  Today was a great day for all of us I think.  I got 3 quads of a class 3 which I cheered about because now I only need 7 quads of a class 3 and that seems doable.  We all chipped in and bought Biaggis for lunch.  It was amazing.  I think we would have all taken a nap in our chairs if there had been enough time.  The last thing that made today great was getting done early and heading home just after 3.  Oh, and we took a pretty great jumping picture too.  The VA has been a great place to get experience. 


  1. Try waking up early every day EXCEPT for the VA day. It sucks. But I am so glad that I went to Weber.

  2. I agree the last day at the VA was bitter sweet. I'm glad it's over but will miss everyone and the experiences I had.

  3. Ditto... I think the VA experience has honestly changed me
