Tuesday seems like it was already a long time ago, but I wanted to share what my day was like. Tuesday morning I told Kayla and Madi that I hoped my morning patient would be a class 3 patient and he was. I was very excited. I finished his entire mouth (which Dr. Hanson called 3 quads because he was missing a lot of teeth). It's amazing to me how class 3's can be so different. Sometimes the calculus comes off easy and sometimes it will not come off like my mockboard patient. His calculus came off fairly easy, so I learned that I do not need to continuously crank on a tooth just because he was a class 3. I also realized that I didn't need to use as much pressure since his deposit came off easier. My patient had a partial denture for his maxillary teeth, but didn't have one on his mandible. I discussed with him the benefit of getting a mandibular denture, but he was convinced that he did not need one because he could still eat just fine. After trying to explain the benefits to him I finally left him alone to let him use his autonomy to make his own decision. Hopefully he considers getting one one day.
My afternoon patient was my grandma. She is such a fun person to be around that the afternoon flew by. She didn't have a lot of deposit so I did my best to explore carefully so that I could find and destory any pieces of calculus I found.
You destroy those calculi's!!! I love that phrasing.